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Chase's Portfoloio 

What I Need To Know


         My whole life I have wanted to something unique. Whenever I was young I believed that I would rise above the common and make something better out of my life. Although I didn’t think about airplanes at that time I now realize that it is my calling. Aircraft were always and inspiration to me. They made me feel as if I was doing something no other man has done before. Even though I believe it is quite opposite the case of the avionics field in this day and age. For me the field of avionics presents a new area of discovery and fulfillment.


What I Know or Assume


         In the field of avionics most pilots are especially peculiar. For example if you know you want to be more or you look up at the white lines being cut in the sky you could see yourself up there looking down on yourself. It’s like finding a dollar in the pocket of those ugly shorts you used to wear and tried on just for kicks. It makes you have hope and fills you with joy. It’s a calling like no other and to be a pilot you need to know just how all of the stuff around you works and it takes time and diligence to be able to complete it. That’s what makes a true pilot a pilot, because against all odds you will be up there at least once and as soon as you are… You’re hooked for life.


The Search


         Now through my search I have found several things interesting in particular. For example there are no case studies to be found about pilots or things of that sort. If anything there are more case studies and articles on why people think the sky is blue than the motives of a successful pilot. Furthermore I had to look at things in a different light. I had to see what it is with aircraft people are interested in. So to make a long story short people are most interested in the failures of aircraft and their pilots. In that light I researched the manor of stalls.

There are more articles by the FAA on stalls than anyone else but it helps with my topic. I went with that topic and from then on I have found a few articles from mechanics about their experience’s but from then on I researched stalls. I found that there are more powered stalls than unpowered. The reason is for licenses. Pilots put their planes in a stall to meet the requirements of a private pilot’s license. The reasoning is obvious, if a pilot ever did find themselves in a stall they need to know how to pull out of it. That is if the situation ever arose.

One of my sources was FAA magazine it stated that to become a better pilot you would need to put yourself in “friendly” air than “hostile” air. This stating that if you see a storm no matter how small to try and fly around or above it, and if you cannot do either find an airport ASAP. My other source (my mentors) stated that several different licenses can also help with your specific regulations. So if you do find yourself headed into a storm you are “certified” to fly through it.



What I discovered


            When I began this process I believed that aircraft could be no different than cars. To stall them you just weren’t flying right, or you were doing something stupid. The truth is quite the opposite, stalls happen to every pilot every now and then. With hazardous conditions come strong winds which can deplete your lift causing a stall. It all leads up to how you as the pilot fly and perceive the conditions around you. If you fly recklessly and don’t pay attention the sky will eat you up and spit you out. Although if you are cautious and recognize that if you respect your environment it will respect you (which you can apply to many aspects of your life). Piloting is a beautiful thing, and being able to do it is a privilege. Which makes me take all of these things to heart and see that not only is my dream accomplishable but it can be a nightmare.



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